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The Best Interface is No Interface


Designer at Google and author of “The Best Interface is No Interface”, Golden Krishna is our latest addition to the From Business to Buttons speaker line-up.

The same week as we were about to launch Golden Krishna’s as a speaker at From Business to Buttons 2016 we got a e-mail. He just got a new job, as a Designer at Google! Which is super exiting for him – and for us as well.

Golden Krishna is author of “The Best Interface is No Interface”. A book loved by many designers, as well as Donald Norman:

An irreverent crazy tirade. So why should you read this book? Because irreverence is precisely what is needed today to get us out of the rut of bad, unintelligible, frustrating design. Because the book is funny, caustic, and insightful. So next time you are feeling low, just open the book to some random page and read for a few minutes. You will start smiling, laughing, and learning. A great cure for all that ails you. Why read this book? Well, because I told you to.

If you haven't heard or read the book you can listen to an audio preview of the second chapter of the title.

As of December Golden Krishna is a Design Strategist at Google. Earlier he has worked for innovation labs at Samsung and Zappos to imagine, design, and build the future of technology. He began his career working at interaction design consultancy Cooper in San Francisco.   

Want to know more? Here’s couple of tips for more reading:
Twitter, Golden Krishna's own website and don't forget to buy your tickets to the conference on April 15.

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